Past Papers of Computer 10th Class Lahore Board 2015 Group-II

Past Papers of Computer 10th Class Lahore Board 2015 Group-II

NOTE: Four possible answers A, B, C and D to each question are given. The choice which you think is correct, fill that circle in front of that question with marker or pen ink. Cutting or filling two or more circles will result in zero mark in that question.
1. Clipboard stores:
(A)  Deleted text
(B)  Copied text
(C) Typed text
(D) Formatted text

2. Ctrl + Y is used for:
(A)  Undo
(B)  Redo
(C) Find
(D) Page break

3 An another name of built-in function is:
(A)  Library function
(B)  Sub-program
(C) Loop
(D) Array

4 The short key which uses to run a program in Basic:
(A) F3
(B) F2
(C) F4
(D) F9

5 How many control structures are in Basic:
(A)  3
(B) 4
(C) 5
(D) 2

6 Which option is used after the IF statement:
(A)  While
(B) Then
(D) Stop

7 Maximum number of elements in one dimension are:
(A)  10
(B) 50
(C) 255
(D) 6555

8 The number of background colors available in Basic is:
(A)  8
(B)  16
(C) 12
(D) 4

9 The process of finding and removing errors in a program is?
(A)  Logical error
(B)  Debugging
(C) Coding
(D) Debugger

10 A variable that stores a similar type of data:
(A)  Index
(B)  Array
(C) Data type
(D) Scalar value

11 Which of the following control structure is used for decision in Basic:
(A)  Loop
(B)  Selection
(C) Condition
(D) Sequence

12. How many logical operators are in Basic:
(A) 4
(B)  5
(C) 3
(D) 7

Past Papers of Computer Science 10th Class BISE Lahore 2015


2. Write short answers to any SIX (6) questions: (12)
(i) Define the top down design.
(ii) Write names of different types of errors in a program.
(iii) What is RUNTIME ERROR?
(iv) Which symbols are used for processing and input?
(v) What is use of CLS command?
(vi) What is IDE?
(vii) How can add Remarks in G.W. Basic program?
(viii) What is Relational Operator?
(ix) What is a use of F2 key in Basic?

3. Write short answers to any FIVE (5) questions: (10)
(i) What is meant by un-conditional transfer of control?
(ii) For what purpose ON—ERROR--GOTO Statement is used?
(iii) Write down the syntax of IF-—THEN Statement.
(iv) Define array declaration.
(v) What is filling of array?
(vi) Define 1-D array or vector array.
(vii) Describe the method of declare an array of big size.
(viii) Differentiate between datd file and program file.

4. Write short answers to any FIVE (5) questions. (10)
(i) Define graphic.
(ii) Write the syntax of CIRCLE statement.
(iii) What is purpose of SCREEN statement?
(iv) Differentiate between Save and Save As.
(v) Write the use of word processor.
(vi) Why scroll bars are used in Word?
(vii) How do you Italic the selected text? . .
(viii) What is meant by Auto Correct?


Note: Attempt any THREE questions.
5. Draw a flow chart that input the base and height of a triangle and display its area. 7
6. Discuss different types of constants in Basic. 7
7. Write a program to calculate area and circumference of a circle. The program should get the
radius of circle from user and display result. 7
8. Define file? Also describe different methods to access file. 7
9. Define the color statement How many color backgrounds are available with color statement 7


(Practical Part)
Note: Attempt any TWO questions.
A. Write down the steps to rename of a MS-Word document.
B. Write a program to find the smaller of three numbers.
C. Write a program to input 12 numbers form user and print in descending order.

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