PPSC Excise & Taxation Inspector (BS-14) – 2010 Solved Past Paper

PPSC Excise & Taxation Inspector (BS-14) – 2010 Solved Past Paper - PPSC Written Test for Recruitment to the Posts of EXCISE & TAXATION INSPECTOR (BS-14) – 2010


1. Which country has been declared as a “major non-NATO ally" of the United States of America?
(A) Turkey
(B) Pakistan ✓
(C) India
(D) Italy

2. The headquarters of SAARC is located in:
(A) Karachi
(B) Colombo
(C) Dhaka
(D) Kathmandu ✓

3. Pakistan recognized People's Republic of China in:
(A) 1951
(B) 1949
(C) 1950 ✓
(D) 1948

4. The “Strait of Malacca’ connect:
(A) Atlantic Ocean with Pacific Ocean
(B) Back sea with Mediterranean Sea
(C) Persian Gulf with Arabian Sea
(D) Indian Ocean with Pacific Ocean ✓

5. “Margalla Hills" are a part of which mountain range?
(A) Karakoram
(B) Hindu Kush
(C) Himalaya ✓
(D) Western Ghats

6. Sher Shah Suri built the Rohtas Fort at the banks of river
(A) Sutluj
(B) Jhelum
(C) Kahan ✓
(D) Soan

7. “Tilla Jogian" is:
(A) is a peak in the Suialman Range
(B) Finds mention in the epic love poem Heer Ranjha of Waris Shah ✓
(C) Is the place where Buddha is said to have spent 40 days in quiet seclusion
(D) All of these

8. Doaba Rachna is located between the River Chenab and River
(A) Ravi ✓
(B) Jhelum
(C) Indus
(D) Beas

9. The name of delta formed by the Indus River is:
(A) Sapta Sindhu ✓
(B) Panjnad
(C) Sunderban Detta
(D) Brahmaputra

10. The pass which connects Pakistan with China is known ss*
(A) Khojak Pass
(B) Khunjrab Pass ✓
(C) Shandur Pass
(D) PelwasKotal Pass

11. Which Dam is constructed on River Jhelum?
(A) Warsak
(B) Mangla ✓
(C) Rawal
(D) Simll

12. Kallar Kahar Lake is located in which district?
(A) Jhelum
(B) Mianwall
(C) Chakwal ✓
(D) Bhakkar

13. Moghul Prince Prince Muhammad DaraShikuh who was executed for being an apostate by his own brother Aurganzeb, was a disciple of:
(A) Shah Abdul Latif Bhital
(B) Hazrat Mian Mir ✓
(C) Shah Wallullah Muhaddith Dehivl
(D) Guru Har Rai

14. Immediately before the formation of “One Unit’ in West Pakistan, Bahawalpur enjoyed the status of a:
(A) Province ✓
(B) Division
(C) Tehsil
(D) District

15. Multan is also affectionately known as:
(A) “City of Dust’
(B) “City of SohanHalwa’
(C) "City of Mosques"
(D) "City of Saints" ✓

16. The last ruler of Bahawalpur State was:
(A) Shahuddin Abbasi
(B) Ameer Sadiq Muhammad V ✓
(C) Sardar Mahmud Khan
(D) Nawab Sir Sadiq Muhammad Khan Abbasi IV

17. The first Pakistani Prime Minister to visit China-Was:
(A) NawabzadaLiaqat Ali Khan
(B) KhwajaNazimuddin
(C) Chaudhry Muhammad Ali
(D) Hossain Shaheed Suharwardy ✓

18. Which Bank gave a Rs. 80 million loan to the Government of Pakistan on the request of Quaid-e-Azam when the Reserve Bank of India failed to deliver Pakistan's share?
(A) National Bank of Pakistan
(B) Habib Bank Limited ✓
(D) United Bank Limited
(D) Muslim Commercial Bank

19. All private banks were nationalized by the Government of Pakistan in:
(A) 1947
(B) 1965
(C) 1971
(D) 1974 ✓

20. The foundation stone of the Sikhism’s holiest place “Golden Temple" at Amritsar was laid by:
(A) Guru Nanak Devji
(B) Khawaja Ghareeb Nawaz
(C) Acharya Rakeshprasad Pande
(D) Hazrat Mian Mir ✓

21. MAJMA’UL BAHARAIN or the Mingling of Two Oceans was authored by:
(A) Jalal-ud-Din Muhammad Akbar
(B) Mujaddid Alf-e-Sani
(C) Muhammad Dara Shikuh ✓
(D) Shah Wallullah

22. Shaykh Ahmad Farooqi is also known by the tile of:
(A) Mujaddid Alf-e-Sani
(B) Imam-e-Rubbani
(C) Shaykh Sirhindi
(D) All of these ✓

23. The doctrine of "Wahdat ash-shuhod* was propounded by Shaykh Sirhindi to counter ‘wahdat al-wujod’ (unity of being) which had been advanced by:
(A) Mujaddid Alf-e Sani
(B) Muhiyuddinibn Arabi ✓
(C) Al Hassan ibn Al Haltham
(D) KhawajaNizam al-Mulk al-Tusi

24. Rohtas Fort was built on the orders of Sher Shah Suri by:
(A) Raja Todar Mai ✓
(B) Balram Khan
(C) AbulFazI
(D) Raja Birbal

25. The famous Babar-nama (or Tuzk-e-Babari) authored by Emperor Babar was written in which language?
(A) Persian
(B) Turkish
(C) Chagatai ✓
(D) Dari

26. All India Muslim Students Federation was formed in 1937 by:
(A) Sardar Abdul RabNishter
(B) Raja Sahib of Mehmudabad ✓
(C) Raja Ghazanfar Ali Khan
(D) NawabBahaduryar Jang

27. Bengal was divided in 1905 during the tenure of:
(A) Lord Curzon ✓
(B) Hardings
(C) Ripon
(D) LordWavell

28. Sylhet District at the time of partition was part of the province of:
(A) Bengal
(B) Assam ✓
(C) Bihar
(D) United Pro

29. The first Commander-in-Chief of Pakistan Army was:
(A) General Sir Frank Messervy ✓
(B) Rare Admiral Jafford James Wilfred
(C) General Muhammad Ayub Khan
(D) General Muhammad Musa Khan

30. The first Chief Minister of Punjab after creation of Pakistan was:
(A) Sir Sikandar Hayat Khan
(B) Nawab Iftikhar Hussain Mandot ✓
(C) Mian Mumtaz Khan Daultana
(D) Nawab Sir Khizar Hayat Tiwana

31. The National Language of Pakistan is:
(A) English
(B) Urdu ✓
(C) Both English and Urdu
(D) Punjabi

32. The official language of Pakistan is:
(A) English ✓
(B) Urdu
(C) Both English and Urdu
(D) Punjabi

33. The tune of the national anthem of Pakistan was composed by:
(A) Khawaja Khurshid Anwar
(B) Naushad Ali
(C) Sohail Rana
(D) Ahmad G. Ghagla ✓

34. Hazara Division of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Province comprises five districts including Abbottabad Battagram, Khoistan, Mansehra and:
(A) Madam
(B) Mingora
(C) Haripur ✓
(D) Khanpur

35. The predominant language spoken in Hazara region is:
(A) Hindko ✓
(B) Hazari
(C) Kohistani
(D) Pashto

36. 28th May is celebrated each year as “Yaum-e-Takbeer because of which Incident?
(A) Kargil conflict between India and Pakistan commended
(B) Nuclear tests were conducted by Pakistan ✓
(C) Ojhri Camp incident took place at Rawalpindi
(D) Uprising erupted in Kashmir against Indian occupation

37. McMahon's Line is the border between:
(A) Iran and Uzbekistan
(B) Pakistan and China
(C) Pakistan and Afghanistan
(D) India and China ✓

38. The world's longest river is:
(A) Nile ✓
(B) Amazon
(C) Yangtze
(D) Missisippi

39. The capital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China is:
(A) Kashgar
(B) Aksi
(C) Urumqi ✓
(D) Hotan

40. Mullah Do Piaza was:
(A) a mythical character from the epic T alism-e-Hoshruba"
(B) one of the nine gems from the court of Emperor Akbar ✓
(C) a leader of a religious movement in East Bengal
(D) the architect who first introduced piazza spaces in front of buildings

41. The epic Talism-e-Hoshruba’ was originally composed by:
(A) Ibn-e-lnsha
(B) MumtazMuftl
(C) 8Muhammad Husain Jah ✓
(D) Musharraf Ali Farooqi

42. "Southern Cross" which is a constellation found in the southern region of the night sky consists of
(A) Seven Stars
(B) Four Stars
(C) Five Stars ✓
(D) None of these

43. The capital of New Zealand is:
(A) Dunedin
(B) Christchurch
(C) Auckland
(D) Wellington ✓

44. The first Pakistani to hoist the Pakistani flag at the North and South Pole is:
(A) Nazir Sabir
(B) Salma Salim
(C) Namira Salim ✓
(D) AshrafAman

45. The first climber from Pakistan to have summited Mt. Everest on May 17, 2000 was:
(A) Nazir Sabir ✓
(B) Salma Salim
(C) Namira Salim
(D) AshrafAman

46. Qantas Airlines is the airlines of:
(A) Italy
(B) United Kingdom
(C) Australia ✓
(D) Ireland

47. The world's top most tea importing country is:
(A) China
(B) United Kingdom
(C) Pakistan
(D) Russia ✓

48. Value added tax (VAT):
(A) is a direct tax ✓
(B) will result in distribution of income from rich to the poor
(C) will result in taxing the rich more
(D) will apply on rich and poor equally

49. According to the Constitution of Pakistan, levying of sales tax on services is:
(A) the responsibility of the Federation ✓
(B) the responsibility of FBR
(C) the responsibility of provinces
(D) joint responsibility of the Federation and the Provinces

50. Which tax is not collected by the Punjab Excise & Taxation Department?
(A) Property Tax
(B) Luxury Vehicle tax on luxury motor vehicles
(C) Excise Fee on Retail Sale of Liquor
(D) Agriculture Income tax ✓

51. In the Punjab Government's budget for 2009-ID, out of the total expected income of Rs 423.5 billion. In the Revenue Account, the contribution from Federal Divisible Pool was about:
(A) 77%
(B) 82%
(C) 65% ✓
(D) 51%

52. The bureaucratic hierarchy of the Excise & Taxation Department, Punjab is headed by:
(A) Director General Excise & Taxation, Punjab ✓
(B) Secretary Excise & Taxation, Punjab
(C) Senior Member, Board of Revenue, Punjab
(D) Excise & Taxation Officer

53. Another name for Vitamin C is:
(A) Ascorbic Add ✓
(B) Acetic Add
(C) Citric Acid
(D) Lysozyme

54. Gun Powder is:
(A) Element
(B) Compound
(C) Mixture ✓
(D) Amalgam

55. The planet nearest to the Sun is:
(A) Venus
(B) Earth
(C) Mars
(D) Mercury ✓

56. The main constituent of Sui Gas is:
(A) Methane ✓
(B) Sulphur
(C) Silver
(D) none of these

57. Brass is an alloy of copper and:
(A) Iron
(B) Street
(C) Zinc ✓
(D) Silver

58. The most famous genetic disease that is assodated with Queen Victoria and circulated among European royalty was:
(A) Colour Blindness
(B) Haemophilia ✓
(C) Austrian lip
(D) Down's Syndrome

59. Hepatitis C is a leading cause of:
(A) Chronic liver disease ✓
(D) Diabetes

60. Whooping cough is caused by:
(A) Fungus
(B) Virus
(C) Baderia ✓
(D) Protozoa

61. Fear of enclosed spaces is known as:
(A) Hydrophobia
(B) Claustrophobia ✓
(C) Kleptophobia
(D) Hellophobia

62. The normal pH of blood is:
(A) >7
(B) <7 ✓
(C) 0
(D) 7

Choose the most suitable word to match the given meaning:

63. To introduce ideas:
(A) instill ✓
(B) inspire
(C) invigorate
(D) impress

64. Less than:
(A) Intra
(B) Infra ✓
(C) Inter
(D) Intro

65. To disfigure:
(A) Efface
(B) Deface ✓
(C) Face
(D) Beautify

66. To hesitate:
(A) Murmur
(B) Demure ✓
(C) Agree
(D) Demur

67. A terrible, sudden accident:
(A) Holocaust
(B) Disaster ✓
(C) Epidemic
(D) Jolt

Choose the correct meaning of the idioms:

68. Hide one's light under a bushel
(A) To save electridty
(B) To conceal one's talents ✓
(C) To avoid limelight
(D) To use light in moderation

69. Hobson's choice:
(A) Giving no choice at all ✓
(B) To make the best choice
(C) To make the worst choice
(D) To settle for a compromise

70. What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander
(A) Everyone regardless of differences deserves equal treatment ✓
(B) Goose and gander should both be fed with sauce
(C) Like treatment for like things
(D) Rich and poor should be treated equally

71. To lionize a person:
(A) Acquisition of lion-like characteristics by a person
(B) To worship someone
(C) To treat a person as a celebrity ✓
(D) A process for training circus lions

72. To gather orange blossoms:
(A) To get oranges
(B) To get a bride ✓
(C) to get a groom
(D) To have children

73. Keep one's own counsel:
(A) To retain one's own layer
(B) To rely on own advice
(C) To preserve a discreet silence ✓
(D) To obtain the services of a lawyer belonging to one's own family

74. Fair-weather friends:
(A) Persons who remain friends at all times
(B) Persons who cease to be friends when one is in trouble ✓
(C) Persons who forge friendships when fair weather conditions exist
(D) Persons who maintain friendships even in difficult times

75. Leading questions:
(A) Main question
(B) Question requiring a precise answer
(C) Question suggesting an answer ✓
(D) Question which is the most difficult to answer

76. (-8)4
(A) 256 ✓
(B) -32
(C) -256
(D) 32

77. If x = 4, y = 2, then (x + y)2 =
(A) 28
(B) 36 ✓
(C) 32
(D) 12

78. 100/100000
(A) .002
(B) .001 ✓
(C) .01
(D) .02

79. Sohail sold his old car fof Rs. 45,000. He had earlier bought it for Rs. 80,000. What is his percentage loss?
(A) 44.5%
(B) 39.3%
(C) 48.4%
(D) 43.7% ✓

80. A man makes a late payment of his property tax of Rs. 30,000. He is late by 45 days and on each day he is required to pay an additional amount of 1% as penalty but up to a maximum penalty of 15%. If the principal amount of property tax is less than Rs. 25,000. What is the total amount of penalty he is required to pay?
(A) 4,500
(B) 34,500
(C) 43,500 ✓
(D) 13,500

PPSC Solved Papers, PPSC Past Papers, Excise & Taxation Inspector (Bs-14) 2010, PPSC Excise & Taxation Inspector (Bs-14) Past Papers 2010, PPSC Excise & Taxation Inspector (Bs-14) 2010 Solved Past Papers

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