PPSC ZILLADARS Solved Past Paper (BS-17)

PPSC ZILLADARS Solved Past Paper (BS-17)

1.Who wrote Path to Pakistan?
(A)Allama Iqbal
(B)Ch Rehmat Ali
(C)Ch Khalique Zaman ✓

2.When Fatima Jinnah Joined AIML?
(A) 1930
(B) 1937 ✓
(C) 1932
(D) 1950

3.Who prepared Pirpur report?
(A) Quaid Azam
(B) Raja Syed Mehdi ✓
(C) Allama Iqbal
(D) MA Johar

4.When Qaid e Azam Met M.K Gandhi 1st time?
(A) 1910
(B) 1912
(C) 1913
(D) 1916 ✓

5.When were non-party elections held?
(A) 1970
(B) 1985 ✓
(C) 1975
(D) 1976

6.When National Anthem Approved in:
(A) June 1951
(B) July 1952
(C) October 1953
(D) August 1954 ✓

7.Who was secretary of state for India in cabinet mission?
(A)Lord Rippon
(B)Lord Curzon
(C)Lord Pathetic Lawrence ✓
(D)Lord Mew

8.When water accord between provinces?
(B) 1991 ✓
(D) 1998

9.Where Rawal dam constructed on river?
(A)Kurrang ✓
(B) Kabul
(D) Ravi

10.Where is Green peace head quarter?
(B) New York
(D) Amsterdam ✓

11.Doab between River Ravi and Chenab called?
(A) Bari doab
(B) Sagar doab
(C) Rachna ✓
(D) Neeli bar

12.Bala Hisar fort built by:
(B) Babar ✓
(D) Jahangir

13.Who administrated the oath of prime minister to Liaqat Ali Khan?
(A)Muhamad Ali Jinnah ✓
(B)Khawaja Nazimuddin
(C)Ch Muhammad Ali
(D)Sikandar Mirza

14.Where copper deposits in?
(B) Khuzdar
(D) Chaghi ✓

15.Who supported Pakistan resolution from Sindh province?
(A) Liaqat Ali Khan
(B) Qaim Ali Shah
(C) Abdullah Haroon ✓
(D) Sir Hayadat ullah

16.Where is Banbhore site?
(A) Thatta ✓
(B) Karachi
(C) Delhi
(D) Hyderabad

17.Where is chandka medical college?
(A) Peshawar
(B) Lahore
(C) Larkana ✓
(D) Karachi

18.Where are artificial forest being maintained in?
(A) Multan
(B) DG Khan
(C) Lahore
(D) Changa Manga ✓

19.Which is Pakistan's 2nd largest foreign exchange earner crop?
(A) Wheat
(B) Cotton
(C) Rice ✓
(D) Tobacco

20.Ch Rehmat Ali coined word Pakistan in NOW OR NEVER pamphlet in?
(B) 1933 ✓
(D) 1936

21.CR formula was prepared by?
(A)Rajagopalacharla ✓
(C)VP Menon
(D) Gokhley

22.Who discovered Malaria paraBlte?
(A) Dr Smith
(B) Dr Johnson
(C) Dr Kalita
(D) Ronald Ross ✓

23.Largest organ of the body is:
(B) Kidney
(C)Liver ✓
(D) Spinal Cord

24.Kidney disease Is due to overdose of:
(A) Vitamin B
(B) Vitamin C ✓
(C) Vitamin B Complex
(D) Vitamin K

25.Largest Muslim country in Africa by population Is:
(A)Nigeria ✓
(B) Pakistan
(D) Indonesia

26.Noble prize for peace is awarded in:
(A)New York
(B) London
(C)Oslo ✓
(D) Paris

27.Highest literacy rate among SAARC:
(B) Sri Lanka ✓
(D) Pakistan

28.Highest per capita income among SAARC:
(B) Nepal
(C)Sri Lanka ✓
(D) Bhutan

29.Largest producer of oil in OPEC countries:
(B) Egypt
(D) Saudi Arabia ✓

30.Bakhtar news agency of:
(B) Pakistan
(C)Afghanistan ✓
(D) Nepal

31.Ariana is Airline of:
(B) Afghanistan ✓
(D) Pakistan

32.Cathy Pacific is a/an:
(A)Airline ✓
(B) Glacier
(C)News Agency

33.ITAR-TASS Is news agency of.
(B) UK
(C) France
(D) Russia ✓

34.PPI stands for:
(A)Pakistan Peace Initiatives
(B)Pakistan Petroleum Industry
(C)Pakistan Press International ✓
(D)Pak peace international

35. Share of Punjab in Pakistan:
(A) 12.7%
(B) 25.8% ✓
(C) 34.3%
(D) 45.6%

36. Headquarters of Asian development bank is in:
(A) Manila ✓
(B) Delhi
(C) Karachi
(D) Colombo

37. Security Council members are:
(A) 6
(B) 7
(C) 22
(D) 15 ✓

38. ibne Batuta came in India from:
(A) Paris
(B) Samarqand
(C) Morocco ✓
(D) Tashkant

39. SCOUT established by
(A) Peter Rose
(B) RobertPowall ✓
(C) Nicholson
(D) RobertGate

40. Who presided over the Wavell plan?
(A1 Lord Wavell ✓
(B) Lord Rlppon
(C) Lord Curzon
(D) Lord Mew

41. Ch Rehmat All coin word Pakistan In:
(A) 1925
(B) 1928
(C) 1930
(D) 1933 ✓

42. Llaqar Nehru Pact was signed bn
(A) 5 April 1949
(B) 8 April 1950 ✓
(C) 10 April 1951
(D) 22 April 1952

43. Pedagogy is a term about:
(A) Cycling
(B) Teaching ✓
(C) Business
(D) Cricket

44. Fasting became firz in:
(A) 2 Hijri ✓
(B) 4 hijri
(C) 5 hijri
(D) 6 hijri

45. Gazwa Tabook was fought in:
(A) 5 hijri
(B) 6 hijri
(C) 7 hijri
(D) 9 Hijri ✓

46. Who wrote Hudaibiya?
(A) Hazrat Umar
(B) Hazart Ali (R.A) ✓
(C) Hazrat Abu Bakr
(D) Hazrat Usman

47. Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) initially preached Islam secretly for:.
(A) 7 years
(B) eight years
(C) 3 Years ✓
(D) ten years

48. Hijri calender kis khalifa ne start kiya:
(A) Hazrat Ali
(B) Hazrat Umar e Farooq (R.A) ✓
(C) Hazrat Abu Bakr
(D) Hazrat Usman

49. Allah tala ne sab se ziada apni naimato (blessings) ka izhar kis surah me farmaya hai:
(A) Surah Yasin
(B) Surah Rehman ✓
(C) Surah Naas
(D) Surah Baqra

50. The oldest Anthem of the world:
(A) Japan ✓
(B) China
(C) Russia
(D) Greece

51. What is Big Ben?
(A) Clock ✓
(B) Tower
(C) Cinema
(D) Road

52. Who was the first viceroy of India?
(A) Lord Ripon
(B) Lord Canning ✓
(C) Lord Curzon
(D) Lord Mayo

53. Napoleon Bona parte was the king of:
(A) France ✓
(B) Italy
(C) Russia
(D) Spain

54. Helvetia is the old name of:
(A) Netherlands
(B) Hungary
(C) Japan
(D) Switzerland ✓

55. How many zeros are there in one trillion?
(A) Twelve ✓
(B) Thirteen
(C) Fourteen
(D) Ten

56. Gestapo was the secret police organization of:
(A) Italy
(B) Russia
(C) Germany ✓

57. The train wentthe tunnel.
(A) Into ✓
(B) by
(C) from
(D) of

58. She jumped ___ the bus
(A) from ✓
(B) off
(C) through
(D) into

59. Write the meaning of strenuous:
(A) shy
(B) calm
(C) coward
(D) energetic ✓

60. Write the meaning of zest?
(A) keenness ✓
(B) big
(C) small
(D) upper

61. Synonym of Collision?
(A) crescent
(B) small
(C) limit
(D) crash ✓

62. Synonym of Accumulate?
(A) distribute
(B) jumping
(C) collect ✓
(D) agreement

63. Synonym of Detrimental.
(A) harmful ✓
(B) terminated
(C) friendly
(D) swallow

64. Synonym of Rancour
(A) company
(B) afraid
(C) sublime
(D) enmity ✓

65. Which sahabi narrated the maximum ahadis?
(A) Hazrat Jaffar
(B)Hazrat AbuHuraira ✓
(C) Hazrat Ali
(D) Hazrat Waqas

66. Which sura's ayats were revealed first?
(A) Naas
(B) Alaq ✓
(C) Baqra
(D) Fateh

67. The first Gazwa was:
(A) Abwa ✓
(B) Badr
(C) Khandaq
(D) none of these

68. Largest island:
(A) Iceland
(B) Diego Garcia
(C) Greenland ✓
(D) Java

69. Largest peninsula:
(A) Malaysia
(B) Arabia ✓
(C) Bengal
(D) Smatra

70. Ibne Insha is famous for:
(A) Humour ✓
(B) Poetry
(C) Novels
(D) Short essay

71. Mast Tawakli was the poet of:
(A) Punjabi
(B) Pushtoo
(C) Balochi ✓
(D) Brohi

72. After USA, greatest arms exporter is:
(A) Russia ✓
(B) UK
(C) India
(D) France

73. Oldest Anthem:
(A) Malaysia
(B) France
(C) Russia
(D) Japan ✓

74. Kahuta Labortries were established in:
(A) 1960
(B) 1965
(C) 1976 ✓
(D) 1982

75. Arbitrator In Indus Basin Treaty:
(B) World Bank ✓

76. Pakistan joined ILO*:
(A) 1949
(B) 1950
(C) 1951
(D) 1956
[The ILO Office was established in Pakistan in 1970 which was first located in Karachi and later shifted to Islamabad when it became capital of the country.]

77. Rapid means:
(A) Severe
(B) Slow
(C) Clever
(D) Quick ✓

78. Largest democracy in the world is:
(B) India ✓
(C) UK
(D) Pakistan

79. Thomas Cup is associated with:
(A) Cricket
(B) Badminton ✓
(C) Hockey
(D) Football

80. First nuclear power plant in Pakistan was set up with help of:
(A) Canada ✓
(C) China
(D) Israel

81. Capital of Somalia is:
(A) Mogadishu ✓
(B) Adabo
(C) Afmadow
(D) Beyra

82. First Punjabi poet was:
(A) Waris Shah
(B) Bulleh Shah
(C) Muhammad Shah
(D) Baba Farid ✓

83. Length of Great Wall of China is:
(A) 1800km
(B) 3400km ✓
(C) 2000km
(D) 2100km

84. Durand line was demarcated in:
(A) 1890
(B) 1888
(C) 1886
(D) 1893 ✓

85. Oldest monarchy is:
(A) Saudi Arab
(C) Japan ✓
(D) Kuwait

86. First missile of Pakistan is:
(A) Hatf ✓
(B) Hunza
(C) Badar
(D) Badarll

87. Ringitt is the currency of:
(A) Nepal
(B) Malaysia ✓
(C) Bhutan
(D) Sri Lanka

88. Digital computer was invented by:
(A) Nicholson
(B) Dr Smith
(C) Bill Gate
(D) John Atanasoff ✓

89. Decimal system introduced in Pakistan on 1st January:
(A) 1961 ✓
(B) 1963
(C) 1964
(D) 1965

90. BabaTs tomb is situated in:
(A) Agra
(B) Dehli
(C) Kabul ✓
(D) Lahore

91. Which is the longest river of Baluchistan Province?
(A) Bolan
(B) Hingol ✓
(C) Dasht
(D) Rukshan

92. Largest Muslim country producing natural gas:
(A) Iraq
(B) Iran ✓
(C) Tajikistan

93. Google Is a:
(A) Computer
(B) search engine ✓
(C) City of USA
(D) software engineer

94. When did Pakistan become member of CENTO?
(A) 1955 ✓
(B) 1957
(C) 1958
(D) 1960

95. The Pentagon is the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense, in:
(A) Washington
(B) New York
(C) California
(D) Pentagon ✓

96. Meaning of “Rapid"?
(A) Slow
(B) Weak
(C) Fast ✓
(D) Dirty

97. “Celebrity” means?
(A) Dirty
(B) Beautiful
(C) Famous Man ✓
(D) Filmstar

98. Fill in the blank: Pour tea______the cup?
(A) at
(B) upon
(C) into ✓
(D) over

99. Salisbury Is the old name of:
(A) New England
(B) Petrograd
(C) Harare ✓
(D) Bombay

100. Who founded Attack Fort.?
(A) Hmanyun
(B) Jahangir
(C) Babur
(D) Akbar ✓

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