Reference List of Synonyms K to Z

Reference List of Synonyms K to Z

Keep retain, withhold, reserve
Kind kindly, kindhearted, benign, benevolent
Knowledge information, learning, erudition, lore, scholarship
Lack want, need
Large big, great [small]
Last final, terminal, eventual, ultimate
Latent dormant, quiescent
Lawyer attorney, counselor, counsel, barrister, solicitor
Lazy faineant, idle, indolent, slothful
Lean spare, skinny, scrawny, lank, lanky, rawboned, gaunt
Learned erudite, scholarly
Lethargy lassitude, torpor, torpidity, stupor, languor
Letter epistle, missive, note
Level flat, even, plane, smooth, flush
Liberal bounteous, bountiful, freehanded, generous, handsome,
Munificent, openhanded [stingy]
Lie equivocate, fib, palter, prevaricate
Lift raise, rear, elevate, hoist, heave, boost
Like love, enjoy, relish, fancy, dote
Likeness similarity, similitude, resemblance, analogy, affinity
Limit restrict, confine, circumscribe
Limp flabby, flaccid, floppy [firm]
Livelihood living, subsistence, sustenance, maintenance, support, keep
Living alive, live, animate, animated, vital
Logical analytic, ratiocinative, rational
Loose lax, slack [tight]
Loud earsplitting, stentorian, strident [soft]
Love affection, devotion, fondness, infatuation
Lure entice, inveigle, decoy, tempt, seduce
Lurk skulk, slink, sneak
Luxury extravagance, frill [necessity]
Makeshift expedient, resort, stopgap
Male masculine, manlike, manly, manful, virile, mannish
Malign defame, traduce, vilify, asperse, slander, calumniate, libel
Malleable ductile, plastic, pliable, pliant
Manipulate exploit, maneuver
Mark brand, label, tag, ticket
Mature age, develope, ripen
Meager spare, sparse, skimpy, scanty, scant
Mean denote, import, signify
Mean low, base, abject, ignoble, sordid
Meaning acceptation, import, sense, significance, signification
Meaningless senseless, mindless, irrational, pointless, purposeless
Melt fuse, liquefy, thaw, deliquesce
Memory remembrance, recollection, reminiscence
Mercy leniency, lenity, clemency, charity
Method system, routine, manner, mode, fashion, way
Meticulous careful, painstaking, scrupulous, fastidious, punctilious
Mind intellect, intelligence, brain, wit, reason
Mirth merriment, jollity, hilarity, glee
Miscellaneous heterogeneous, motley, mixed, varied, assorted
Misfortune adversity, mishap, mischance
Misleading deceptive, delusive, delusory
Mix blend, mingle, coalesce, merge, amalgamate, fuse
Mixture blend, admixture, compund, composite, amalgam
Moderate qualify, temper [intensify]
Moment instant, minute, second, jiffy, flash
Monopolize absorb, consume, engross, preoccupy
Mood humor, temper
Moral ethical, virtuous, righteous
Morale esprit, esprit de corps
Moving stirring, poignant, touching, pathetic, affecting
Multitude host, legion, army
Muscular athletic, brawny, burly, sinewy
Mysterious esoteric, arcane, occult, inscrutable
Naive simple, ingenuous, unsophisticated, natural, unaffected, guileless, artless
Name designation, denomination, title, appellation, cognomen
Native indigenous, endemic, autochthonous, aboriginal
Nautical marine, maritime, naval
Neat tidy, trim, shipshape, spick-and-span, spruce, trig
Need necessity, exigency, requisite
Negligent derelict, lax, neglectful, remiss, slack
Neutralize negate, nullify, counteract
New fresh, novel, newfangled, original
News advice, intelligence, tidings, word
Nimble agile, quick, brisk, facile, spry
Noise din, racket, uproar, pandemonium, hullabaloo, hubbub, clamor, babel
Normal regular, natural, typical
Noted celebrated, eminent, famed, famous, illustrious, notable, preeminent, renowned
Noticeable observable, marked, conspicuous, prominent, outstanding,
Salient, remarkable, signal, arresting, striking
Nuance gradation, shade
Nurture cultivate, foster, nurse
Obedient biddable, compliant, acquiescent, submissive, docile, amenable, tractable
Object protest, kick, demur, remonstrate, expostulate
Obligation responsibility, duty
Oblige accommodate, favor [disoblige]
Observe keep, celebrate, commemorate, solemnize
Obstacle obstruction, bar, barrier, block, hindrance, impediment, snag
Obstinate stubborn, headstrong, stiff-necked, bullheaded, pigheaded,
Mulish, dogged, pertinacious
Occurrence happening, event, incident, episode, circumstance
Offend insult, affront, outrage
Offense crime, sin, error
Offensive disgusting, loathsome, nasty, repellent, repulsive, revolting, vile
Offer proffer, tender, present
Old ancient, archaic, antediluvian, obsolete, antique, antiquated
Opinion view, sentiment, feeling, belief, conviction, persuasion
Opponent adversary, antagonist
Opportune seasonable, timely, well-timed [inopportune]
Opportunity occasion, opening, chance, break
Oppose fight, combat, resist, withstand, contest
Opposite contrary, antithetical, contradictory
Orderly methodical, systematic
Origin inception, source, root
Ornate florid, flamboyant, baroque, rococo
Outline contour, profile, silhouette
Outlive outlast, survive
Outrageous flagrant, atrocious, monstrous
Overthrow overturn, subvert, topple, upset
Pacify mollify, conciliate, appease, placate
Pain ache, pang, smart, stitch, throe, twinge
Palliate extenuate, gloss, gloze, whitewash
Pamper indulge, humor, spoil, coddle, mellycoddle, babe
Paragon nonsuch, nonpareil
Partner colleague, ally, confederate
Passion fervor, fire, zeal, ardor
Pathetic pitiful, pitiable, piteous, lamentable
Patience long-suffering, resignation, forbearance
Pause intermission, recess, respite, suspension
Pedantic academic, bookish, donnish, scholastic
Penitence compunction, contrition, remorse, repentance
Pensive contemplative, reflective, meditative, thoughtful
Perceptible palpable, appreciable, noticeable, discernible
Perfect consummate, faultless, flawless, impeccable [imperfect]
Perform execute, accomplish, achieve, effect, fulfill, discharge
Period epoch, era, age, term
Periodic sporadic, intermittent, occasional, fitful
Permission authorization, consent, leave, license [prohibition]
Perseverance persistence, tenacity, pertinacity
Persuade induce, prevail, convince
Phase aspect, facet, angle, side
Physique build, constitution
Pity compassion, commiseration, sympathy, condolence, empathy
Plain modest, simple, unostentatious, unpretentious [ornate]
Plan blueprint, design, project, scheme, strategy
Plausible believable, colorable, credible
Playful mischievous, impish, waggish, frolicsome
Please delight, gladden, gratify, tickle [displease]
Pleasure enjoyment, delight, delectation, joy
Plentiful abundant, ample, copious, plenteous [scant]
Poet bard, versifier, rhymer, rhymester, poetaster
Poisonous mephitic, pestilent, pestilential, toxic, venomous, virulent
Polite mannerly, civil, courteous, genteel
Ponder meditate, deliberate, ruminate, mull, muse
Poor indigent, needy, impecunious, penniless, impoverished, poverty-stricken, destitute
Possible workable, practicable, feasible, viable
Posture attitude, carriage, pose, stance
Practice drill, exercise, rehearse
Praise acclaim, commend, extol, laud
Predicament plight, quandary, jam, fix, pickle
Predict call, forecast, foretell, prognosticate
Predilection bias, leaning, partiality, penchant, prejudice, proclivity, propensity
Preliminary introductory, prefatory, preparatory
Presume presuppose, postulate, posit, assume
Pretend assume, affect, simulate, feign, fake, counterfeit
Prevailing prevalent, current, rife
Prevent preclude, avert, obviate, forestall
Price charge, cost, expense
Produce bear, yield
Profane blasphemous, sacrilegious
Proficient adept, skilled, skillful, expert
Profuse exuberant, lavish, lush, luxuriant, prodigal, riotous [spare]
Promise covenant, engage, pledge, plight, swear, vow
Prone supine, prostrate, recumbent
Proportion harmony, symmetry, balance
Propose pose, propound, submit
Proud arrogant, haughty, disdainful, supercilious
Provoke incite, excite, stimulate, arouse, rouse, stir
Prudence discretion, foresight, forethought, circumspection
Pull drag, draw, haul, tow, tug [push]
Pulsate pulse, beat, palpitate, throb
Punish correct, chastise, discipline, castigate, penalize
Pure absolute, sheer, simple, unadulterated
Push propel, shove, thrust [pull]
Puzzle perplex, mystify, bewilder, confound
Quality property, attribute, character, trait
Qualm scruple, compunction, misgiving
Quibble carp, cavil, niggle, nitpick, pettifog
Range ambit, compass, orbit, purview, reach, scope, sweep
Reach achieve, attain, gain, compass
Real actual, true, existent
Reap garner, gather, gleam, harvest
Reason intuition, understanding, judgement
Rebellion revolution, revolt, mutiny, insurrection, uprising
Recede ebb, retract, retreat, retrograde [advance]
Reciprocate requite, return
Reckless rash, precipitate, foolhardy, temerarious
Recoil blench, quail, shrink, flinch
Recover regain, recoup, retrieve
Refer advert, mention
Refrain abstain, forbear
Refuse decline, reject, spurn, rebuff
Regard esteem, admiration, respect
Regret sorrow, grief, anguish, woe, heartache, heartbreak
Relevant pertinent, germane, material, apposite, apropos [irrelevant]
Reliable dependable, responsible, trustworthy
Relieve allay, alleviate, assuage, lighten, mitigate, palliate
Religious devout, pious, sanctimonious
Relinquish yield, resign, abandon, surrender, cede, waive, renounce
Rely trust, depend, reckon
Remainder rest, balance, residue, residuum, remnant, leavings, remains
Remember bethink, recall, recollect [forget]
Reparation redress, amends, restitution, indemnity
Repeat iterate, reiterate, restate
Replace supplant, supersede
Represent delineate, depict, limn, picture, portray
Resort apply, go, refer, turn
Responsible answerable, liable, accountable, amenable
Rest relaxation, repose, leisure, ease, comfort
Restrain curb, check, bridle, inhibit
Return revert, recur, recrudesce
Reveal expose, disclose, divulge, betray
Revere worship, venerate, adore, idolize
Reverse invert, transpose
Revive restore, resuscitate, revivify
Rhythm meter, cadence
Rich affluent, flush, loaded, moneyed, wealthy [poor]
Ridicule mock, taunt, twit, deride, gibe
Right privilege, prerogative, perquisite, birthright
Rise ascend, climb, soar, tower, mount, surge
Rival compete, vie, emulate
Room elbowroom, latitude, leeway, margin, play, scope
Rough harsh, jagged, rugged, scabrous, uneven
Rude crude, primitive, raw, rough
Ruin raze, demolish, destroy, wreck
Rural bucolic, rustic, pastoral
Sad melancholy, sorrowful, doleful, woebegone, desolate
Same identical, selfsame, very [different]
Sarcastic ironic, caustic, satirical, sardonic
Satiate sate, cloy, glut, gorge, surfeit
Satisfy answer, fill, fullfil, meet
Save rescue, reclaim, redeem, deliver
Saying maxim, adage, saw, motto, epigram, proverb, aphorism
Scatter disperse, dissipate, dispel
Scold upbraid, berate, revile, vituperate, rail
Scream shriek, screech
Secret stealthy, covert, clandestine, furtive, surreptitious, underhand
See behold, note, notice, espy, descry, observe, contemplate, survey,
View, perceive, discern, remark
Seek hunt, quest, search
Seem appear, look
Send dispatch, forward, route, ship, transmit
Sensuous sensual, luxurious, voluptuous, sybaritic, epicurean
Sentimental bathetic, maudlin, mawkish, mushy, romantic, schmaltzy, slushy, soppy
Separate divide, part, sever, sunder, divorce
Series succession, progression, sequence, chain, train, string
Serious sober, grave, solemn, earnest, sedate, staid
Servitude bondage, slavery
Severe stern, austere, ascetic, strict
Shade penumbra, shadow, umbra, umbrage
Shake tremble, quake, quiver, shiver, shudder
Shameless brazen, barefaced, brash, impudent, unblushing
Shapleless amorphous, formless, unformed, unshaped [shapely]
Share participate, partake
Sharp keen, acute
Shelter cover, retreat, refuge, asylum, sanctuary
Shorten abbreviate, abridge, curtail, truncate [lengthen]
Shout bawl, bellow, holler, howl, roar, whoop, yell
Show display, expose, parade, exhibit, flaunt
Showy flamboyant, ostentatious, pretentious, splashy
Shrewd sagacious, astute, perspicacious
Shy bashful, diffident, modest, coy, demure
Sign badge, mark, token, symptom, note
Silent reticent, reserved, taciturn, secretive, uncommunicative, tightlipped
Sincere unaffected, unfeigned, wholehearted, hearty, heartfelt
Single sole, unique, solitary, lone, separate
Sinister baleful, malign
Slant incline, lean, slope, tilt, tip
Sleek glossy, satiny, silken, silky, slick
Slide slip, glide, coast, skid, slither
Sloppy slovenly, unkempt, slipshod
Slow dilatory, leisurely, laggard, deliberate
Sly cunning, tricky, crafty, wily, foxy, artful, guileful
Small diminutive, little, miniature, minuscule, minute, petite, tiny, wee [large]
Smell aroma, odor, scent
Smile grin, simper, smirk
Social companionable, convivial, gregarious, sociable [antisocial]
Solitude isolation, seclusion, retirement
Solve decipher, resolve, unravel
Sour acid, acidulous, dry, tart
Spacious ample, capacious, commodious, roomy
Sparing frugal, thrifty, economical
Speak talk, converse, discourse
Speed hurry, hasten, quicken, accelerate, precipitate
Spend disburse, expend [save]
Spontaneous impulsive, instinctive, involuntary, automatic
Stain blot, brand, stigma, taint
Stammer stutter
Standard benchmark, criterion, gauge, measure, touchstone, yardstick
State condition, situation, status
Stay remain, wait, abide, tarry, linger, sojourn
Steady even, equable, uniform, constant
Steal purloin, filch, snitch, pilfer, cop, hook, swipe, lift, pinch
Steep abrupt, precipitous, sheer
Stem arise, derive, emanate, flow, issue, originate
Stench fetor, malodor, reek, stink
Sterile infertile, barren, unfruitful, impotent
Stiff rigid, inflexible, inelastic, tense
Still quiet, silent, noiseless, soundless
Stingy close, close-fisted, niggardly, penny-pinching, miserly,
Parsimonious, penurious, tight
Stoop condescend, deign
Stop cease, desist, discontinue, halt, quit [start]
Strange peculiar, odd, queer, quaint, outlandish, singular, eccentric, curious
Streak strain, vein
Strength power, might, energy, force
Strip divest, denude, bare
Strong stout, sturdy, tough, stalwart, tenacious
Strut swagger, swank
Stupid slow, dumb, dull, obtuse, dense
Suave smooth, urbane, diplomatic, politic
Subject matter, topic, theme
Substance burden, core, gist, pith, purport
Sufficient adequate, enough [insufficient]
Suggest imply, hint, intimate, insinuate
Summit peak, pinnacle, acme, apex, zenith, climax
Superficial shallow, cursory
Superfluous excess, extra, spare, supernumerary, surplus, supererogatory
Supervise boos, overlook, oversee, superintend
Support uphold, back, advocate, champion
Supposed conjectural, hypothetical, putative, reputed, suppositious,
Supposititious [certain]
Suppress stifle, repress
Sure certain, confident, positive
Surprise astonish, amaze, astound, dumbfound, flabbergast
Surrender submission, capitulation
Surround circle, compass, encircle, encompass, environ, gird, girdle, ring
Swerve depart, deviate, digress, diverge, stray, veer
Swing oscillate, sway, rock, vibrate, fluctuate, undulate, waver
Symbol attribute, emblem
Tact address, diplomacy, savoir-faire
Talkative loquacious, garrulous, voluble, verbose, glib
Tardy behindhand, late, overdue [prompt]
Task job, chore, stint, assignment
Taste flavor, relish, savor, smack, tang
Teach instruct, educate, train, school, discipline, drill
Tear rip, rend, split, cleave
Teem abound, bristle, crawl, overflow, swarm
Temerity audacity, effrontery, nerve, cheek, gall
Tend attend, mind, minister, watch
Tendency trend, current, drift, tenor, inclination
Theoretical abstract, academic, hypothetical, speculative
Think cerebrate, cogitate, reason, reflect, speculate
Thoughtful considerate, attentive, solicitous
Threaten menace, intimidate
Throw cast, hurl, fling, pitch, toss, sling
Tight taut, tense
Timid timorous
Tire weary, fatigue, exhaust, jade
Tireless indefatigable, unflagging, untiring, unwearied, weariless
Tool instrument, implement, utensil, appliance
Touch feel, finger, handle, palpate, paw
Trace vestige, track, trail
Transient transitory, ephemeral, fleeting, fugitive, momentary, evanescent
Treat deal, handle
Trial affliction, crucible, ordeal, tribulation, visitation
Trite hackneyed, shopworn, stereotyped, threadbare, stale, banal
Trivial trifling, paltry, petty, picayune
Trouble ail, distress, worry
Trust faith, confidence, reliance, dependence
Truth veracity, verity, verisimilitude
Turn rotate, revolve, gyrate, spin, whirl, circle, eddy, swirl
Type kind, sort, nature, character, ilk
Ugly hideous, ill-favored, unsightly
Uncertainty doubt, dubiety, skepticism, suspicion, mistrust
Unctuous fulsome, oily, oleaginous, smarmy
Unfortunate hapless, ill-fated, ill-started, luckless, unlucky [fortunate]
Unity union, solidarity
Unruly ungovernable, intractable, refractory, recalcitrant, willful, headstrong, wayward
Unspeakable indefinable, indescribable, ineffable, inexpressible, unutterable
Urge press, exhort, prod, prick
Urgent pressing, imperative, exigent
Use employ, utilize
Usual habitual, customary, accustomed
Vain empty, hollow, idle, nugatory, otiose
Valid sound, cogent, convincing, telling
Vent express, utter, voice, air
Versatile all-around, many-sided, multifaceted, multifarious
Vertical upright, perpendicular, plumb
Victory conquest, triumph
Vigor dash, punch, verve, vim, vitality
Vindictive vengeful, revengeful
Vociferous blatant, boisterous, strident, clamorous
Voluntary intentional, deliberate, willful, willing
Voracious gluttonous, rapacious, ravenous
Votary devotee, habitué
Wander ramble, roam, rove, range, meander, stray, gallivant, gad
Warn caution, forewarn
Waste blow, consume, dissipate, fritter, squander [save]
Way route, course, passage, pass, artery
Weak feeble, frail, fragile, infirm, decrepit, debilitated
Weird eerie, uncanny, unearthly
Wet damp, moist, dank, humid
Whole all, entire, gross, total [partial]
Wise sage, sapient, judicious, prudent, sensible, sane
Wit humor, repartee, sarcasm, irony
Wonder marvel, miracle, phenomenon, prodigy, sensation
Wordy diffuse, long-winded, prolix, verbose
Work labor, toil, drudgery, travail
Writhe agonize, squirm
Yearn long, pine, hanker, hunger, thirst
Yield relent, bow, defer, submit, capitulate, succumb
Young youthful, adolescent, immature, juvenile, puerile, green
Zest gusto, relish

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