Miscellaneous General Knowledge One Liner MCQs 13

Miscellaneous General Knowledge One Liner MCQs 13

  • The panch pokhri lake situated in the himalaya mountains is the highest lake in the world.
  • The present palace of sultan of brunei in the capital city of bandar seri begawan consisting of 1788 rooms is the largest palace.
  • Mahavira(founder of jainism)and gautama buddha (founder of buddism) were contemporaries and flourished in india in the 6th century B.C.
  • The three pyramids of eqypt were built from 2700 to 2500 B.C.,these are tombs of khufu,khafra and menkaura.
  • The great wall of china was completed in 204 B.C.it is 1500 miles long.Its average height is 25 feet and about 12 feet wide at the top.
  • The city rome was founded in 753 B.C. by romolus.
  • The muslim rule of spain lasted from 711 to 1492 A.D.
  • The statue of liberty (newyork) was installed in 1886.It is 151 feet one inch high from the base to torch.
  • The world is divided into 24 time zones,each 15` longtitude wide. the longitudinal meridian passing through greenwich,England is the starting point and is called the prime meridian.
  • Christopher columbus discovered bahamas on 12 oct 1492 A.D.
  • The world famous golden gate bridge is located in San francisco(usa).
  • Russia invaded afghanistan on dec 27,1979.
  • Hongkong was returned to china on july 1,1997.
  • Eritrea became an independent state on may 24,1993.
  • A billion contain 1000 million. It has 9 zeroes. similarly a trillion has 12 zeroes,a quadrillion 15 zeroes,a quintillion 18 zeroes and a decillion 33 zeroes.
  • One inch is equal to 2.5400 cms and one mile is equal to 1.6093 kms.
  • About half of the world population speaks indo-european languages. The Indo-European branch to which english belongs is germanic.
  • The original inhabitants of USA are known as Red Indians.
  • Out of the 193 sovereign independent nations of the world 147 are republics and other 46 are under personal rules (14 kings,1 emperor,3 queens,7 hereditary sheikhs,1 grand duke,2 sultans,1 constitutional monarch etc).
  • Gwadar became a part of pakistan on september 9,1958.
  • All india mulim league was formulated on december 30,1906 and first president was Sir Agha Khan.
  • Afghanistan got independence on 19th aug 1919.
  • Air conditioner invented by "willis H. carrier"U.S. in 1902.
  • Camera(photographic) has been invented by "Joseph N. Niepce"france in 1822.
  • Sunlight is composed of seven colours
  • "Braille system" is used for the education of Blind.
  • Lousis Braille of France made it possible for the blind to read and write.
  • Blue color has shortest wavelength
  • Protein is a natural polymer
  • The paper currency first introduce by china
  • Redwood or Giant Sempervirens is the tallest tree in the world . It rises up to a height of 111 metres (366 feets).
  • Pakistan-Afghanistan border ' Durand line ' was drawn in 1893 by Sir Mortimer Durand and Afghanistan`s ruler Abdur rehman khan.
  • Asian Development Bank was established on 16th jan, 1999.
  • Radcliff was a lawyer by profession.
  • In 1945, Hiroshima was the first city Atom bomb dropped.
  • Leo Tolstoy was the political guru of Gandhi.
  • South Africa is the country which has three capitals.
  • All-india Muslim league was established in 1906 and Quaid-e-azam joined in 1913.
  • The lowest per capita income in the Muslim world is of Somalia.
  • United Nations spends a lion`s share of its budget on Refugees rehabilitations
  • A piece of land surrounded by water on three sides is known as “peninsula ".
  • The density of population usually measured in person per sq. km
  • The Eifel tower was built by Alexander Eiffel
  • The Red Cross was founded by Jean Henri Durant
  • The gateway to the Gulf of Iran is Strait of Hormuz
  • The first Republican President of America was Abraham Lincoln
  • The country famous for Samba dance is Brazil
  • The name of Alexander's horse was Beucephalus
  • Singapore was founded by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles
  • The famous British one-eyed Admiral was Nelson
  • The most famous painting of Pablo Picasso was Guermica
  • The first woman Prime Minister of Britain was Margaret Thatcher
  • The sculptor of the statue of Liberty was Federick Auguste Bartholdi
  • John F.Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harry Oswald
  • The first British University to admit women for degree courses was London University
  • The country known as the Land of Thunderbolts is Bhutan
  • The literal meaning of Renaissance is Revival
  • Julius Caesar was killed by Brutus
  • The title of Desert Fox was given to Field Marshal Erwin Rommel
  • The word `Quiz' was coined by Jim Daly Irishman
  • The original meaning of `Quiz' was Trick
  • Adolf Hitler was born in Austria
  • In the year 1811,Paraguay became independent from Spain
  • The cross word puzzle was invented by Arthur Wynney
  • Slavery in America was abolished by Abraham Lincoln
  • The famous Island located at the mouth of the Hudson river is Manhattan
  • The famous painting `Mona Lisa'is displayed at Louvre museum,Paris
  • The earlier name for tomato was Love apple
  • The famous words `Veni Vidi Vici'were said by Julius Caesar
  • Disneyland is located in California,USA
  • Archimedes was born in Sicily
  • The famous General Motors company was founded by William Durant
  • The country that brings out the FIAT is Italy
  • The White House was painted white to Hide fire damage
  • "History is Bunk"was said by Henry Ford
  • The term ``astrology' literally means Star Speech
  • Togo is situated in Africa
  • The first ruler who started war games for his soldiers was Genghis Khan
  • The first talkie feature film in USA was The Jazz Singer
  • The name of the large clock on the tower of the House of Parliament in London is called Big Ben
  • Prado museum is located in Madrid
  • The number of keys in an ordinary piano is Eighty eight
  • `Man is a Tool Making Animal' was said by Benjamin Franklin
  • The term 'anesthesia'was coined by Oliver Wendell Holmes
  • Number of schools of thoughts is 52.
  • Farat valley is in Iraq.
  • Notre Dom is located in Paris (France), it is a church.
  • Jodrell Bank is located in Great Britain, it is famous for its Space Observatory.
  • Micronesia is located in Asia.
  • Blue Mosque is in Istanbul.
  • Bastille was a jail in Paris, it was destroyed during the French Revolution on 14th July 1789.
  • Camp David is famous for Camp David Accord, which took place between Egypt and Israel. It is located in USA. 
  • Jaffna is the headquarters of LTTE guerillas in Sri Lanka.
  • Akal Takht is a place of confession of Penance in the Golden Temple complex, it has been the spiritual and temporal seat of authority of Sikh since 1906.
  • Hanging garden of Babylon is situated in Baghdad and was planted in 603 B.C; this is included in seven wonder of the world.
  • Leaning tower of Pisa, it was built in 12th Century, it is located in Italy.
  • Aleppo is located in Syria.
  • The famous Empire State Building in located in New York. 
  • Bermuda Triangle is in Caribbean region.
  • Bermuda is the colony of UK.
  • Eiffel tower of Paris was built in 1887-89 by Gustav Eiffel, 986 feet high, now used as a winders stations.

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