Syllabus and Standard for the Provincial Civil Service(Judicial Branch) Competitive Examination.
1. The competitive Examination shall be in the subjects as listed below and every candidate shall take all the subjects.
2. A Candidate shall answer the papers in English unless otherwise directed.
3. The subjects and maximum marks fixed for each subject/ paper shall be such as shown below in columns 2 and 3, respectively;
1. English General & English Essay 100
2. Urdu/Pashto Essay and General Urdu/Pashto paper 100
3. General Knowledge
a) Current Affairs and Every Day Science 100
b) Pakistan Studies 50
4. Civil Law-I 100
5. Civil Law-II 100
6. Criminal Law 100
7. Islamic Jurisprudence 100
8. Qanun-e-Shahadat 1984 and Pleading 100
9. Viva Voce 100
Note: all papers shall be of three hours duration.
4. Qualifying marks in the aggregate of written papers and viva voce shall respectively be 425 and 30.
5. No candidate shall be summoned for viva voce test unless he/she has obtained at least 33 percent marks in each individual written paper and 50 per cent marks in the aggregate. No candidate shall be considered to have qualified in the examination unless he/she also obtain at least 30 per cent marks in viva voce. Failure in, or absence from viva voce shall mean that the candidate has failed to qualify for appointment and his/her name will not be included in the merit list.
6. If a candidate’s handwriting is not easily legible, deduction which may be considered suitable may be made on this account from the total marks secured by him/her.
7. Credit will be given for good English including orderly, effective and exact expression combined with the economy of words, in all subjects of the examination and not only in subjects which are specially devoted to English.
8. Names of candidates who qualify shall be arranged in order of merit according to the aggregate marks obtained in the examination.
9. In the even of a tie, the order of merit shall be determined in accordance with the highest marks secured in the viva voce. Should the marks in the viva voce of the candidates who tie be equal, then the candidate who is older in age shall be placed senior.
1. English General and English Essay.
This paper is intended to test the candidate’s command of the English Language and may include precise writing usage of idioms, with an essay in English on one of the several specified subjects and is intended to test the candidate’s ability to compose.
2. Essay and General paper in Urdu/Pashto.
This paper is intended to test the candidates to write the Language fluently and to translate from English into it. Candidates will be expected to have a grasp of the language and to understand poetry and prose. Knowledge of literature as such will not form part of this paper.
3. General Knowledge including Every Day Science and Pak Study.
This paper is intended to test the candidate’s knowledge of current world affairs and also of broad facts of historical, political, geographical and economic importance. A section will be included to test the candidate’s knowledge and understanding of matters of every day observation and experience in the scientific aspect. Eighty marks will be allowed for General Knowledge, Current affairs and 20 marks for every day Science. Paper of Pakistan studies will be of Degree standard.
4. Details of Subjects with Respect to Certain Paper.
The following papers shall comprise of the subjects noted against each:-
a. Civil Law Paper-I
I. Civil procedure Code
II. West Pakistan Civil Court Ord:1962
III. Contract Act.
IV. Sales of Goods Act.
b. Civil Law Paper-II
I. Muhammadan Law/ Islamic Law
II. Registration Act.
III. Limitation Act.
IV. Specific Relief Act.
c. Criminal Law
I. Pakistan Penal Code
II. Criminal procedure Code
III. Hadood Ordinance.
d. Islamic Jurisprudence
I. Pre-Islamic Arab society Evaluation of the Islamic Legal system and sources of Islamic Law.
II. Importance of Qiyas, Istehsan, Istidlal, Ijtehad and Taqlid
III. Acts, Rights and Obligations
IV. Ownership and possession
V. Contracts, Torts and Crimes.
VI. Procedure and Evidence
VII. Constitutional and Administration Laws and Relations between Muslims and non-muslims.
e. Qanun-e-Shahadat 1984 and Pleading
I. Qanun-e-Shahadat 1984
II. Particulars of Plaints
III. Particulars of Written statements
IV. Drafting of plaints and written statements
Note: Except in case of Muhammadan Laws/ Islamic Law, Hadood Ordinance, Islamic Jurisprudence and pleading, bare copies of the relevant Acts will be provided to the candidates.
5. The object of the examination is to test practical ability of the candidates rather than the range of their theoretical knowledge. For this purpose the kind of questions that will asked will be to give the facts of a typical case and ask the candidate to frame issues, to write a judgment and to discuss the admissibility of evidence.
6. Viva Voce.
The viva voce will be a test of the personal qualities of the candidates. This examination will be in matters of general interest and is intended to test the candidate’s alertness, intelligence and general out-look. Consideration will also be paid to the bearing and physique of the candidates.
Option of Language and Subject, indicate the Language of the compulsory paper of Serial 2.
I hereby opt to have my compulsory paper at S. No 2 as under:-
Name of compulsory paper at S.No.2 Option Signature
I. Urdu Essay & Urdu General Pape 1 Offer Urdu
II. Pashto Essay & Pashto General paper1 offer Pashto
Signature of candidate______________
Name ___________________________
F/Name _________________________
Address __________________________
Dated _________________
(Send this along with your application form)
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